Introduction With a background in Linguistics and Computer Science, I have always been interested in the interface between language and technology. This led me to build my pronunciation improvement app - a web application designed to help users practise and refine their English pronunciation. The app listens to the user’s speech input, analyzes it, and provides feedback to pinpoint where improvement might be needed. Project Overview Tech Stack and Libraries Frontend A React app that uses Chart....
GDP vs Life Satisfaction
In this post, I explore the relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and life satisfaction across various countries, using data from the OECD. The life satisfaction index is based on survey data, where respondents rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10, while GDP per capita is a measure of economic output per person. Both values were standardized for comparison, which allows to visualize the relationship between these two key metrics on the same scale, ranging from 0 to 1....
Comparing "Internet" Usage Across Languages
Language can tell us a lot about societal trends, technological advances, and cultural shifts. Tools like Google Ngrams have provided a way to see these trends and explore the frequency of words and phrases across centuries of literature. Inspired by this, I wanted to explore something similar but across multiple languages and then be able to visualize it. I found an Ngrams API (based off of Google Ngrams) and created some charts across English, German, and Russian....
Analyzing E-Commerce Customer Behaviour and Churn
In this post, I explore and analyze some e-commerce customer data by identifying patterns in customer satisfaction and churn. The dataset used for this analysis includes information on customer demographics, purchasing behavior, and satisfaction scores. Key features include: CustomerID Unique identifier for each customer. Gender Gender of the customer (Male/Female). MaritalStatus Marital status of the customer (Married/Single/Divorced). PreferedOrderCat Preferred order category of the customer (e.g., Fashion, Grocery, Mobile). SatisfactionScore Satisfaction score given by the customer (1 to 5)....
ChatGPT vs Claude: Ambiguity Resolution (Part I)
“One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.” – Groucho Marx Syntactic ambiguities occur when a sentence can have multiple meanings. For example, consider the sentence from the famous Groucho Marx joke above. This sentence is ambiguous because it’s unclear whether the elephant was in pajamas or Groucho Marx was in pajamas while shooting the elephant. If you’re curious which interpretation Groucho Marx meant, here is the full quote: “One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas....